binomial_cis package
binomial_cis.binomial_helper module
binomial_cis.conf_intervals module
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.UMAU_lb(t_o, n, alpha, tol=1e-06)
Computes the lower bound for a 2-sided UMAU CI.
- Parameters:
t_o (float) – Observed test statistic (number of successes + uniform random number).
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
- Returns:
p_lb – Lower bound of UMAU confidence interval for p
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.UMAU_ub(t_o, n, alpha, tol=1e-06)
Computes the upper bound for a 2-sided UMAU CI.
- Parameters:
t_o (float) – Observed test statistic (number of successes + uniform random number).
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
- Returns:
p_ub – Upper bound of UMAU confidence interval for p
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.binom_bisection(k, n, alpha)
Inputs k: number of successes n: number of samples alpha: miscoverage rate, P(p_ <= p) >= 1-alpha
Returns p: smallest p such that binom_cdf(k,n,p) >= 1-alpha
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.binom_ci(k, n, alpha, side, verbose=True, randomized=True)
Compute a binomial confidence interval.
- Parameters:
k (int) – Number of observed successes in n trials.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
side ({'lb', 'ub', 'lb,ub'}) – Selection of lower, upper, or 2-sided bounds.
verbose (bool, default True) – Whether to print intermediate updates.
randomized (bool, default True) – If True solves for the UMA bounds, if False then solves for (less efficient) non-randomized bounds.
- Returns:
CI – Either a lower bound, upper bound, or simultaneous lower & upper bounds (returned as a tuple)
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.bisection(CDF, alpha, tol=1e-06)
Inputs CDF: a function mapping from p -> F(t | p) alpha: miscoverage rate, P(p_ <= p) >= 1-alpha tol: upper bound on how far below the returned value of p is to the true solution
Returns p_: a lower bound on p such that P(p_ <= p) >= 1-alpha
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.get_UMPU_accept_region(p_o, n, alpha)
Inputs p_o: null hypothesis prob of success n: number of trials alpha: miscoverage (Type 1 error) rate, P(accept | p = p_o) >= 1-alpha
Returns t_lo, t_up: UMAU acceptance region for the test statistic
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.get_feasible_p(t_o, n, alpha)
Inputs t_o: observed test statistic n: number of trials alpha: miscoverage rate
Returns p_o: a value of p in the UMAU interval
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.get_lb(num_successes, n, alpha, randomized=True)
Inputs num_successes: number of observed successes in n trials n: number of trials alpha: miscoverage rate, P(p_ <= p) >= 1-alpha
Returns p_: a lower bound on p such that P(p_ <= p) >= 1-alpha
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.get_lb_ub(num_successes, n, alpha)
Inputs num_successes: number of observed successes in n trials n: number of trials alpha: miscoverage rate, P(p_lb <= p <= p_ub) >= 1-alpha
Returns p_lb, p_ub: A UMAU confidence interval for p
We know that the bounds of the test statistic acceptance region are monotonically increasing in p (see Lehmann textbook). Strategy: bisection search to find bounds on p
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.get_ps_cp(p, n, alpha)
Compute all possible Clopper-Pearson lower bounds given n trials.
- Parameters:
p (float) – True success probability.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
- Returns:
ps – Array of possible Clopper-Pearson lower bounds that are cutoff points in the expected shortage integral.
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.in_UMPU_accept_region(t_o, p_o, n, alpha)
Inputs t_o: observed test statistic p_o: null hypothesis prob of success n: number of trials alpha: miscoverage (Type 1 error) rate, P(accept | p = p_o) >= 1-alpha
Returns boolean for whether t_o is in the UMAU acceptance region for the test statistic
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.max_accept_prob_2_sided(alpha, n, p, n_grid)
Grid search to find the parameter which has the highest probability of being in the 2-sided CI.
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
p (float) – True probability of success.
n_grid (int) – Size of discrete grid to search over.
- Returns:
max_ap (float) – Maximum acceptance probability.
max_p_0 (float) – Parameter that attains the maximum acceptance probability.
- binomial_cis.conf_intervals.test_stat(num_successes, randomized=True)
Inputs num_successes: number of observed successes in n trials
Returns T: number of successes + uniform random variable
binomial_cis.mixed_monotonic module
- class binomial_cis.mixed_monotonic.Interval(x_min, x_max)
Class for storing and performing common operations on intervals.
- Parameters:
x_min (float) – Lower bound of interval
x_max (float) – Upper bound of interval
- get_feasible(F)
Finds a feasible point in the interval.
- Parameters:
F (function) – Mixed monotonic function (increasing in first arg, decreasing in second arg)
- Returns:
x_feas (float) – Midpoint of interval
x_feas_val (float) – Value of midpoint on the function F
- get_midpoint()
Computes the midpoint of the interval.
- Returns:
Midpoint of interval
- Return type:
- get_ub(F)
Computes a certified upper bound of the function F over the interval.
- Parameters:
F (function) – Mixed monotonic function (increasing in first arg, decreasing in second arg)
- Returns:
ub – Certified upper bound of max(F) over Interval
- Return type:
- split()
Split along longest axis, else split along first axis.
- Returns:
I1, I2 – Intervals resulting from splitting the orignal in half.
- Return type:
- volume()
Computes the width of the interval.
- Returns:
Width of interval
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.mixed_monotonic.mmp_solve(F, I, tol=0.001, max_iters=1000, verbose=True)
Uses mixed-monotonic programming to solve for a certified maximum of the function F over the interval I.
- Parameters:
F (function) – Mixed monotonic function (increasing in first arg, decreasing in second arg)
I (Interval) – Domain to maximize over.
- Returns:
ub (float) – Certified upper bound of max F over I within tol of global max.
lb (float) – Certified lower bound of max F over I within tol of global max.
x_lb (float) – Input that achieves lb.
num_iters (int) – Number of iterations taken for the solve.
binomial_cis.plotting module
- binomial_cis.plotting.plot_expected_shortage_mixed_monotonic(alpha, n, p1s, p2s, verbose=True, randomized=True)
Generate a contour plot of the mixed-monotonic form of expected shortage.
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
p1 (float) – True probability of success input as limit of integration.
p2 (float) – True probability of success input as paremter of CDF in integrand.
randomized (bool, default True) – If False then use Clopper-Pearson CI.
- Returns:
Contour plot showing expected shortage for each parameter combination.
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.plotting.plot_expected_width_mixed_monotonic(alpha, n, p1s, p2s, verbose=True)
Generate a contour plot of the mixed-monotonic form of expected width.
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
p1 (float) – True probability of success input as limit of integration.
p2 (float) – True probability of success input as paremter of CDF in integrand.
randomized (bool, default True) – If False then use Clopper-Pearson CI.
- Returns:
Contour plot showing expected width for each parameter combination.
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.plotting.plot_shortage_curve(alpha, n, num_p=21, verbose=True, randomized=True)
Plot expected shortage as a function of true prob of success p.
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
num_p (int) – Number of values of p to compute shortage for.
randomized (bool, default True) – If False then use Clopper-Pearson CI.
- Returns:
Plot of curve which visualizes expected shortage as a function of true prob of success p.
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.plotting.plot_width_curve(alpha, n, num_p=21, verbose=True)
Plot expected width as a function of true prob of success p.
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
num_p (int) – Number of values of p to compute width for.
- Returns:
Plot of curve which visualizes expected width as a function of true prob of success p.
- Return type:
binomial_cis.volume module
- binomial_cis.volume.expected_excess(accept_prob, alpha, n, p)
Computes the expected excess of an upper confidence bound.
- Parameters:
accept_prob (function) – Function that takes in p_0 and outputs acceptance prob for lb.
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
p (float) – True probability of success.
- Returns:
exp_excess – The expected excess of the CI.
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.volume.expected_shortage(accept_prob, alpha, n, p)
Computes the expected shortage of a lower confidence bound.
- Parameters:
accept_prob (function) – Function that takes in p_0 and outputs acceptance prob for lb.
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
p (float) – True probability of success.
- Returns:
exp_shortage – The expected shortage of the CI.
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.volume.expected_shortage_cp(alpha, n, p)
Computes the expected shortage of a Clopper-Pearson lower confidence bound.
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
p (float) – True probability of success.
- Returns:
exp_shortage – The expected shortage of the CI.
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.volume.expected_shortage_mixed_monotonic(accept_prob, alpha, n, p1, p2)
Implements the mixed-monotonic form of expected shortage for the lower bound CI.
- Parameters:
accept_prob (function) – Function that takes in p_0 and outputs acceptance prob for lb.
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
p1 (float) – True probability of success input as limit of integration.
p2 (float) – True probability of success input as paremter of CDF in integrand.
- Returns:
exp_shortage_mm – The expected shortage of the CI.
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.volume.expected_shortage_mixed_monotonic_cp(alpha, n, p1, p2)
Computes the expected shortage of the lower bound CI
Inputs accept_prob: function that takes in p_0 and outputs acceptance prob for lb alpha: miscoverage rate n: number of samples p: true probability of success
Returns exp_shortage: the expected shortage of the CI
- binomial_cis.volume.expected_width(accept_prob, alpha, n, p)
Computes the expected width of a 2-sided CI.
- Parameters:
accept_prob (function) – Function that takes in p_0 and outputs acceptance prob for lb.
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
p (float) – True probability of success.
- Returns:
exp_width – The expected width of the CI.
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.volume.expected_width_mixed_monotonic(accept_prob, alpha, n, p1, p2)
Implements the mixed-monotonic form of expected width for the 2-sided CI.
- Parameters:
accept_prob (function) – Function that takes in p_0 and outputs acceptance prob for lb.
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
p1 (float) – True probability of success input for CDF at t_u.
p2 (float) – True probability of success input for CDF at t_l.
- Returns:
exp_width_mm – The expected width of the CI.
- Return type:
- binomial_cis.volume.max_expected_excess(alpha, n, tol=0.001, verbose=True)
Computes maximum expected excess (MEE) for the upper bound.
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
- Returns:
ub (float) – An upper bound on max expected excess.
lb (float) – A lower bound on max expected excess.
p_lb (float) – The parameter that achieves lb.
num_iters (int) – Number of iterations taken for the solve.
- binomial_cis.volume.max_expected_shortage(alpha, n, tol=0.001, verbose=True, randomized=True)
Computes maximum expected shortage (MES) for the lower bound.
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
- Returns:
ub (float) – An upper bound on max expected shortage.
lb (float) – A lower bound on max expected shortage.
p_lb (float) – The parameter that achieves lb.
num_iters (int) – Number of iterations taken for the solve.
- binomial_cis.volume.max_expected_width(alpha, n, tol=0.001, verbose=True)
Computes maximum expected width (MEW) for the 2-sided bound.
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Miscoverage rate, P(p in CI) = 1-alpha.
n (int) – Number of trials (samples).
- Returns:
ub (float) – An upper bound on max expected width.
lb (float) – A lower bound on max expected width.
p_lb (float) – The parameter that achieves lb.
num_iters (int) – Number of iterations taken for the solve.