
name: ''       # Run name
debug: False   # Debugging flag
    seed: 42                # Random seed for Pytorch/Numpy initialization
    min_epochs: 1           # Minimum number of epochs
    max_epochs: 50          # Maximum number of epochs
    filepath: ''            # Checkpoint filepath to save data
    save_top_k: 5           # Number of best models to save
    monitor: 'loss'         # Metric to monitor for logging
    monitor_index: 0        # Dataset index for the metric to monitor
    mode: 'auto'            # Automatically determine direction of improvement (increase or decrease)
    s3_path: ''             # s3 path for AWS model syncing
    s3_frequency: 1         # How often to s3 sync
    folder: ''              # Folder where data will be saved
    viz: True               # Flag for saving inverse depth map visualization
    npz: True               # Flag for saving numpy depth maps
    dry_run: True                                 # Wandb dry-run (not logging)
    name: ''                                      # Wandb run name
    project: os.environ.get("WANDB_PROJECT", "")  # Wandb project
    entity: os.environ.get("WANDB_ENTITY", "")    # Wandb entity
    tags: []                                      # Wandb tags
    dir: ''                                       # Wandb save folder
    name: ''                # Training model
    checkpoint_path: ''     # Checkpoint path for model saving
        name: 'Adam'             # Optimizer name
            lr: 0.0002           # Depth learning rate
            weight_decay: 0.0    # Dept weight decay
            lr: 0.0002           # Pose learning rate
            weight_decay: 0.0    # Pose weight decay
        name: 'StepLR'      # Scheduler name
        step_size: 10       # Scheduler step size
        gamma: 0.5          # Scheduler gamma value
        T_max: 20           # Scheduler maximum number of iterations
        crop: ''            # Which crop should be used during evaluation
        min_depth: 0.0      # Minimum depth value to evaluate
        max_depth: 80.0     # Maximum depth value to evaluate
        num_scales: 4                   # Number of inverse depth scales to use
        progressive_scaling: 0.0        # Training percentage to decay number of scales
        flip_lr_prob: 0.5               # Probablity of horizontal flippping
        rotation_mode: 'euler'          # Rotation mode
        upsample_depth_maps: True       # Resize depth maps to highest resolution
        ssim_loss_weight: 0.85          # SSIM loss weight
        occ_reg_weight: 0.1             # Occlusion regularizer loss weight
        smooth_loss_weight: 0.001       # Smoothness loss weight
        C1: 1e-4                        # SSIM parameter
        C2: 9e-4                        # SSIM parameter
        photometric_reduce_op: 'min'    # Method for photometric loss reducing
        disp_norm: True                 # Inverse depth normalization
        clip_loss: 0.0                  # Clip loss threshold variance
        padding_mode: 'zeros'           # Photometric loss padding mode
        automask_loss: True             # Automasking to remove static pixels
        supervised_method: 'sparse-l1'  # Method for depth supervision
        supervised_num_scales: 4        # Number of scales for supervised learning
        supervised_loss_weight: 0.9     # Supervised loss weight
        name: ''               # Depth network name
        checkpoint_path: ''    # Depth checkpoint filepath
        version: ''            # Depth network version
        dropout: 0.0           # Depth network dropout
        name: ''               # Pose network name
        checkpoint_path: ''    # Pose checkpoint filepath
        version: ''            # Pose network version
        dropout: 0.0           # Pose network dropout
        image_shape: (192, 640)              # Image shape
        jittering: (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.05)     # Color jittering values
        batch_size: 8              # Training batch size
        num_workers: 16            # Training number of workers
        back_context: 1            # Training backward context
        forward_context: 1         # Training forward context
        dataset: []                # Training dataset
        path: []                   # Training data path
        split: []                  # Training split
        depth_type: ['']           # Training depth type
        cameras: []                # Training cameras
        repeat: [1]                # Number of times training dataset is repeated per epoch
        num_logs: 5                # Number of training images to log
        batch_size: 1              # Validation batch size
        num_workers: 8             # Validation number of workers
        back_context: 0            # Validation backward context
        forward_context: 0         # Validation forward contxt
        dataset: []                # Validation dataset
        path: []                   # Validation data path
        split: []                  # Validation split
        depth_type: ['']           # Validation depth type
        cameras: []                # Validation cameras
        num_logs: 5                # Number of validation images to log
        batch_size: 1              # Test batch size
        num_workers: 8             # Test number of workers
        back_context: 0            # Test backward context
        forward_context: 0         # Test forward context
        dataset: []                # Test dataset
        path: []                   # Test data path
        split: []                  # Test split
        depth_type: ['']           # Test depth type
        cameras: []                # Test cameras
        num_logs: 5                # Number of test images to log