# Copyright 2020 Toyota Research Institute. All rights reserved.
import glob
import numpy as np
import os
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from packnet_sfm.datasets.kitti_dataset_utils import \
pose_from_oxts_packet, read_calib_file, transform_from_rot_trans
from packnet_sfm.utils.image import load_image
from packnet_sfm.geometry.pose_utils import invert_pose_numpy
'left': 'image_02',
'right': 'image_03',
'cam2cam': 'calib_cam_to_cam.txt',
'velo2cam': 'calib_velo_to_cam.txt',
'imu2velo': 'calib_imu_to_velo.txt',
PNG_DEPTH_DATASETS = ['groundtruth']
[docs]def read_npz_depth(file, depth_type):
"""Reads a .npz depth map given a certain depth_type."""
depth = np.load(file)[depth_type + '_depth'].astype(np.float32)
return np.expand_dims(depth, axis=2)
[docs]def read_png_depth(file):
"""Reads a .png depth map."""
depth_png = np.array(load_image(file), dtype=int)
assert (np.max(depth_png) > 255), 'Wrong .png depth file'
depth = depth_png.astype(np.float) / 256.
depth[depth_png == 0] = -1.
return np.expand_dims(depth, axis=2)
[docs]class KITTIDataset(Dataset):
KITTI dataset class.
root_dir : str
Path to the dataset
file_list : str
Split file, with paths to the images to be used
train : bool
True if the dataset will be used for training
data_transform : Function
Transformations applied to the sample
depth_type : str
Which depth type to load
with_pose : bool
True if returning ground-truth pose
back_context : int
Number of backward frames to consider as context
forward_context : int
Number of forward frames to consider as context
strides : tuple
List of context strides
def __init__(self, root_dir, file_list, train=True,
data_transform=None, depth_type=None, with_pose=False,
back_context=0, forward_context=0, strides=(1,)):
# Assertions
backward_context = back_context
assert backward_context >= 0 and forward_context >= 0, 'Invalid contexts'
self.backward_context = backward_context
self.backward_context_paths = []
self.forward_context = forward_context
self.forward_context_paths = []
self.with_context = (backward_context != 0 or forward_context != 0)
self.split = file_list.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
self.train = train
self.root_dir = root_dir
self.data_transform = data_transform
self.depth_type = depth_type
self.with_depth = depth_type is not '' and depth_type is not None
self.with_pose = with_pose
self._cache = {}
self.pose_cache = {}
self.oxts_cache = {}
self.calibration_cache = {}
self.imu2velo_calib_cache = {}
self.sequence_origin_cache = {}
with open(file_list, "r") as f:
data = f.readlines()
self.paths = []
# Get file list from data
for i, fname in enumerate(data):
path = os.path.join(root_dir, fname.split()[0])
if not self.with_depth:
# Check if the depth file exists
depth = self._get_depth_file(path)
if depth is not None and os.path.exists(depth):
# If using context, filter file list
if self.with_context:
paths_with_context = []
for stride in strides:
for idx, file in enumerate(self.paths):
backward_context_idxs, forward_context_idxs = \
file, backward_context, forward_context, stride)
if backward_context_idxs is not None and forward_context_idxs is not None:
self.paths = paths_with_context
def _get_next_file(idx, file):
"""Get next file given next idx and current file."""
base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), str(idx).zfill(len(base)) + ext)
def _get_parent_folder(image_file):
"""Get the parent folder from image_file."""
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(image_file, "../../../.."))
def _get_intrinsics(calib_data):
"""Get intrinsics from the calib_data dictionary."""
return np.reshape(calib_data['P_rect_02'], (3, 4))[:, :3]
def _read_raw_calib_file(folder):
"""Read raw calibration files from folder."""
return read_calib_file(os.path.join(folder, CALIB_FILE['cam2cam']))
#### DEPTH
def _read_depth(self, depth_file):
"""Get the depth map from a file."""
if self.depth_type in ['velodyne']:
return read_npz_depth(depth_file, self.depth_type)
elif self.depth_type in ['groundtruth']:
return read_png_depth(depth_file)
raise NotImplementedError(
'Depth type {} not implemented'.format(self.depth_type))
def _get_depth_file(self, image_file):
"""Get the corresponding depth file from an image file."""
for cam in ['left', 'right']:
if IMAGE_FOLDER[cam] in image_file:
depth_file = image_file.replace(
IMAGE_FOLDER[cam] + '/data', 'proj_depth/{}/{}'.format(
self.depth_type, IMAGE_FOLDER[cam]))
if self.depth_type not in PNG_DEPTH_DATASETS:
depth_file = depth_file.replace('png', 'npz')
return depth_file
def _get_sample_context(self, sample_name,
backward_context, forward_context, stride=1):
Get a sample context
sample_name : str
Path + Name of the sample
backward_context : int
Size of backward context
forward_context : int
Size of forward context
stride : int
Stride value to consider when building the context
backward_context : list of int
List containing the indexes for the backward context
forward_context : list of int
List containing the indexes for the forward context
base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sample_name))
parent_folder = os.path.dirname(sample_name)
f_idx = int(base)
# Check number of files in folder
if parent_folder in self._cache:
max_num_files = self._cache[parent_folder]
max_num_files = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(parent_folder, '*' + ext)))
self._cache[parent_folder] = max_num_files
# Check bounds
if (f_idx - backward_context * stride) < 0 or (
f_idx + forward_context * stride) >= max_num_files:
return None, None
# Backward context
c_idx = f_idx
backward_context_idxs = []
while len(backward_context_idxs) < backward_context and c_idx > 0:
c_idx -= stride
filename = self._get_next_file(c_idx, sample_name)
if os.path.exists(filename):
if c_idx < 0:
return None, None
# Forward context
c_idx = f_idx
forward_context_idxs = []
while len(forward_context_idxs) < forward_context and c_idx < max_num_files:
c_idx += stride
filename = self._get_next_file(c_idx, sample_name)
if os.path.exists(filename):
if c_idx >= max_num_files:
return None, None
return backward_context_idxs, forward_context_idxs
def _get_context_files(self, sample_name, idxs):
Returns image and depth context files
sample_name : str
Name of current sample
idxs : list of idxs
Context indexes
image_context_paths : list of str
List of image names for the context
depth_context_paths : list of str
List of depth names for the context
image_context_paths = [self._get_next_file(i, sample_name) for i in idxs]
if self.with_depth:
depth_context_paths = [self._get_depth_file(f) for f in image_context_paths]
return image_context_paths, depth_context_paths
return image_context_paths, None
#### POSE
def _get_imu2cam_transform(self, image_file):
"""Gets the transformation between IMU an camera from an image file"""
parent_folder = self._get_parent_folder(image_file)
if image_file in self.imu2velo_calib_cache:
return self.imu2velo_calib_cache[image_file]
cam2cam = read_calib_file(os.path.join(parent_folder, CALIB_FILE['cam2cam']))
imu2velo = read_calib_file(os.path.join(parent_folder, CALIB_FILE['imu2velo']))
velo2cam = read_calib_file(os.path.join(parent_folder, CALIB_FILE['velo2cam']))
velo2cam_mat = transform_from_rot_trans(velo2cam['R'], velo2cam['T'])
imu2velo_mat = transform_from_rot_trans(imu2velo['R'], imu2velo['T'])
cam_2rect_mat = transform_from_rot_trans(cam2cam['R_rect_00'], np.zeros(3))
imu2cam = cam_2rect_mat @ velo2cam_mat @ imu2velo_mat
self.imu2velo_calib_cache[image_file] = imu2cam
return imu2cam
def _get_oxts_file(image_file):
"""Gets the oxts file from an image file."""
# find oxts pose file
for cam in ['left', 'right']:
# Check for both cameras, if found replace and return file name
if IMAGE_FOLDER[cam] in image_file:
return image_file.replace(IMAGE_FOLDER[cam], OXTS_POSE_DATA).replace('.png', '.txt')
# Something went wrong (invalid image file)
raise ValueError('Invalid KITTI path for pose supervision.')
def _get_oxts_data(self, image_file):
"""Gets the oxts data from an image file."""
oxts_file = self._get_oxts_file(image_file)
if oxts_file in self.oxts_cache:
oxts_data = self.oxts_cache[oxts_file]
oxts_data = np.loadtxt(oxts_file, delimiter=' ', skiprows=0)
self.oxts_cache[oxts_file] = oxts_data
return oxts_data
def _get_pose(self, image_file):
"""Gets the pose information from an image file."""
if image_file in self.pose_cache:
return self.pose_cache[image_file]
# Find origin frame in this sequence to determine scale & origin translation
base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_file))
origin_frame = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(image_file), str(0).zfill(len(base)) + ext)
# Get origin data
origin_oxts_data = self._get_oxts_data(origin_frame)
lat = origin_oxts_data[0]
scale = np.cos(lat * np.pi / 180.)
# Get origin pose
origin_R, origin_t = pose_from_oxts_packet(origin_oxts_data, scale)
origin_pose = transform_from_rot_trans(origin_R, origin_t)
# Compute current pose
oxts_data = self._get_oxts_data(image_file)
R, t = pose_from_oxts_packet(oxts_data, scale)
pose = transform_from_rot_trans(R, t)
# Compute odometry pose
imu2cam = self._get_imu2cam_transform(image_file)
odo_pose = (imu2cam @ np.linalg.inv(origin_pose) @
pose @ np.linalg.inv(imu2cam)).astype(np.float32)
# Cache and return pose
self.pose_cache[image_file] = odo_pose
return odo_pose
def __len__(self):
"""Dataset length."""
return len(self.paths)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
"""Get dataset sample given an index."""
# Add image information
sample = {
'idx': idx,
'filename': '%s_%010d' % (self.split, idx),
'rgb': load_image(self.paths[idx]),
# Add intrinsics
parent_folder = self._get_parent_folder(self.paths[idx])
if parent_folder in self.calibration_cache:
c_data = self.calibration_cache[parent_folder]
c_data = self._read_raw_calib_file(parent_folder)
self.calibration_cache[parent_folder] = c_data
'intrinsics': self._get_intrinsics(c_data),
# Add pose information if requested
if self.with_pose:
'pose': self._get_pose(self.paths[idx]),
# Add depth information if requested
if self.with_depth:
'depth': self._read_depth(self._get_depth_file(self.paths[idx])),
# Add context information if requested
if self.with_context:
# Add context images
all_context_idxs = self.backward_context_paths[idx] + \
image_context_paths, _ = \
self._get_context_files(self.paths[idx], all_context_idxs)
image_context = [load_image(f) for f in image_context_paths]
'rgb_context': image_context
# Add context poses
if self.with_pose:
first_pose = sample['pose']
image_context_pose = [self._get_pose(f) for f in image_context_paths]
image_context_pose = [invert_pose_numpy(context_pose) @ first_pose
for context_pose in image_context_pose]
'pose_context': image_context_pose
# Apply transformations
if self.data_transform:
sample = self.data_transform(sample)
# Return sample
return sample