Source code for packnet_sfm.geometry.camera_utils

# Copyright 2020 Toyota Research Institute.  All rights reserved.

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as funct


[docs]def construct_K(fx, fy, cx, cy, dtype=torch.float, device=None): """Construct a [3,3] camera intrinsics from pinhole parameters""" return torch.tensor([[fx, 0, cx], [ 0, fy, cy], [ 0, 0, 1]], dtype=dtype, device=device)
[docs]def scale_intrinsics(K, x_scale, y_scale): """Scale intrinsics given x_scale and y_scale factors""" K[..., 0, 0] *= x_scale K[..., 1, 1] *= y_scale K[..., 0, 2] = (K[..., 0, 2] + 0.5) * x_scale - 0.5 K[..., 1, 2] = (K[..., 1, 2] + 0.5) * y_scale - 0.5 return K
[docs]def view_synthesis(ref_image, depth, ref_cam, cam, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros'): """ Synthesize an image from another plus a depth map. Parameters ---------- ref_image : torch.Tensor [B,3,H,W] Reference image to be warped depth : torch.Tensor [B,1,H,W] Depth map from the original image ref_cam : Camera Camera class for the reference image cam : Camera Camera class for the original image mode : str Interpolation mode padding_mode : str Padding mode for interpolation Returns ------- ref_warped : torch.Tensor [B,3,H,W] Warped reference image in the original frame of reference """ assert depth.size(1) == 1 # Reconstruct world points from target_camera world_points = cam.reconstruct(depth, frame='w') # Project world points onto reference camera ref_coords = ref_cam.project(world_points, frame='w') # View-synthesis given the projected reference points return funct.grid_sample(ref_image, ref_coords, mode=mode, padding_mode=padding_mode, align_corners=True)