Source code for packnet_sfm.geometry.pose

# Copyright 2020 Toyota Research Institute.  All rights reserved.

import torch
from packnet_sfm.geometry.pose_utils import invert_pose, pose_vec2mat


[docs]class Pose: """ Pose class, that encapsulates a [4,4] transformation matrix for a specific reference frame """ def __init__(self, mat): """ Initializes a Pose object. Parameters ---------- mat : torch.Tensor [B,4,4] Transformation matrix """ assert tuple(mat.shape[-2:]) == (4, 4) if mat.dim() == 2: mat = mat.unsqueeze(0) assert mat.dim() == 3 self.mat = mat def __len__(self): """Batch size of the transformation matrix""" return len(self.mat) ########################################################################################################################
[docs] @classmethod def identity(cls, N=1, device=None, dtype=torch.float): """Initializes as a [4,4] identity matrix""" return cls(torch.eye(4, device=device, dtype=dtype).repeat([N,1,1]))
[docs] @classmethod def from_vec(cls, vec, mode): """Initializes from a [B,6] batch vector""" mat = pose_vec2mat(vec, mode) # [B,3,4] pose = torch.eye(4, device=vec.device, dtype=vec.dtype).repeat([len(vec), 1, 1]) pose[:, :3, :3] = mat[:, :3, :3] pose[:, :3, -1] = mat[:, :3, -1] return cls(pose)
######################################################################################################################## @property def shape(self): """Returns the transformation matrix shape""" return self.mat.shape
[docs] def item(self): """Returns the transformation matrix""" return self.mat
[docs] def repeat(self, *args, **kwargs): """Repeats the transformation matrix multiple times""" self.mat = self.mat.repeat(*args, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def inverse(self): """Returns a new Pose that is the inverse of this one""" return Pose(invert_pose(self.mat))
[docs] def to(self, *args, **kwargs): """Moves object to a specific device""" self.mat =*args, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def transform_pose(self, pose): """Creates a new pose object that compounds this and another one (self * pose)""" assert tuple(pose.shape[-2:]) == (4, 4) return Pose(self.mat.bmm(pose.item()))
[docs] def transform_points(self, points): """Transforms 3D points using this object""" assert points.shape[1] == 3 B, _, H, W = points.shape out = self.mat[:,:3,:3].bmm(points.view(B, 3, -1)) + \ self.mat[:,:3,-1].unsqueeze(-1) return out.view(B, 3, H, W)
def __matmul__(self, other): """Transforms the input (Pose or 3D points) using this object""" if isinstance(other, Pose): return self.transform_pose(other) elif isinstance(other, torch.Tensor): if other.shape[1] == 3 and other.dim() > 2: assert other.dim() == 3 or other.dim() == 4 return self.transform_points(other) else: raise ValueError('Unknown tensor dimensions {}'.format(other.shape)) else: raise NotImplementedError()