import torch
import horovod.torch as hvd
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from packnet_sfm.utils.logging import prepare_dataset_prefix
[docs]def reduce_value(value):
"""Reduce the mean value of a tensor from all GPUs"""
return hvd.allreduce(value, average=True, name='value')
[docs]def reduce_dict(dict, to_item=False):
"""Reduce the mean values of a dictionary from all GPUs"""
for key, val in dict.items():
dict[key] = reduce_value(dict[key])
if to_item:
dict[key] = dict[key].item()
return dict
[docs]def all_reduce_metrics(output_data_batch, datasets, name='depth'):
# If there is only one dataset, wrap in a list
if isinstance(output_data_batch[0], dict):
output_data_batch = [output_data_batch]
# Get metrics keys and dimensions
names = [key for key in list(output_data_batch[0][0].keys()) if key.startswith(name)]
dims = [output_data_batch[0][0][name].shape[0] for name in names]
# List storing metrics for all datasets
all_metrics_dict = []
# Loop over all datasets and all batches
for output_batch, dataset in zip(output_data_batch, datasets):
metrics_dict = OrderedDict()
length = len(dataset)
# Count how many times each sample was seen
seen = torch.zeros(length)
for output in output_batch:
for i, idx in enumerate(output['idx']):
seen[idx] += 1
seen = hvd.allreduce(seen, average=False, name='idx')
assert not np.any(seen.numpy() == 0), \
'Not all samples were seen during evaluation'
# Reduce all relevant metrics
for name, dim in zip(names, dims):
metrics = torch.zeros(length, dim)
for output in output_batch:
for i, idx in enumerate(output['idx']):
metrics[idx] = output[name]
metrics = hvd.allreduce(metrics, average=False, name='depth_pp_gt')
metrics_dict[name] = (metrics / seen.view(-1, 1)).mean(0)
# Append metrics dictionary to the list
# Return list of metrics dictionary
return all_metrics_dict
[docs]def collate_metrics(output_data_batch, name='depth'):
"""Collate epoch output to produce average metrics."""
# If there is only one dataset, wrap in a list
if isinstance(output_data_batch[0], dict):
output_data_batch = [output_data_batch]
# Calculate the mean of all metrics
metrics_data = []
# For all datasets
for i, output_batch in enumerate(output_data_batch):
metrics = OrderedDict()
# For all keys (assume they are the same for all batches)
for key, val in output_batch[0].items():
if key.startswith(name):
metrics[key] = torch.stack([output[key] for output in output_batch], 0)
metrics[key] = torch.mean(metrics[key], 0)
# Return metrics data
return metrics_data
[docs]def create_dict(metrics_data, metrics_keys, metrics_modes,
dataset, name='depth'):
"""Creates a dictionary from collated metrics."""
# Create metrics dictionary
metrics_dict = {}
# For all datasets
for n, metrics in enumerate(metrics_data):
if metrics: # If there are calculated metrics
prefix = prepare_dataset_prefix(dataset, n)
# For all keys
for i, key in enumerate(metrics_keys):
for mode in metrics_modes:
metrics_dict['{}-{}{}'.format(prefix, key, mode)] =\
metrics['{}{}'.format(name, mode)][i].item()
# Return metrics dictionary
return metrics_dict
[docs]def average_key(batch_list, key):
Average key in a list of batches
batch_list : list of dict
List containing dictionaries with the same keys
key : str
Key to be averaged
average : float
Average of the value contained in key for all batches
values = [batch[key] for batch in batch_list]
return sum(values) / len(values)
[docs]def average_sub_key(batch_list, key, sub_key):
Average subkey in a dictionary in a list of batches
batch_list : list of dict
List containing dictionaries with the same keys
key : str
Key to be averaged
sub_key :
Sub key to be averaged (belonging to key)
average : float
Average of the value contained in the sub_key of key for all batches
values = [batch[key][sub_key] for batch in batch_list]
return sum(values) / len(values)
[docs]def average_loss_and_metrics(batch_list, prefix):
Average loss and metrics values in a list of batches
batch_list : list of dict
List containing dictionaries with the same keys
prefix : str
Prefix string for metrics logging
values : dict
Dictionary containing a 'loss' float entry and a 'metrics' dict entry
values = OrderedDict()
key = 'loss'
values['{}-{}'.format(prefix, key)] = \
average_key(batch_list, key)
key = 'metrics'
for sub_key in batch_list[0][key].keys():
values['{}-{}'.format(prefix, sub_key)] = \
average_sub_key(batch_list, key, sub_key)
return values