Source code for

# Copyright 2020 Toyota Research Institute.  All rights reserved.

import cv2
import numpy as np
import os

from packnet_sfm.utils.logging import prepare_dataset_prefix
from packnet_sfm.utils.depth import inv2depth, viz_inv_depth

[docs]def save_depth(batch, output, args, dataset, save): """ Save depth predictions in various ways Parameters ---------- batch : dict Batch from dataloader output : dict Output from model args : tuple Step arguments dataset : CfgNode Dataset configuration save : CfgNode Save configuration """ # If there is no save folder, don't save if save.folder is '': return # If we want to save depth maps if save.viz or save.npz: # Retrieve useful tensors rgb = batch['rgb'] pred_inv_depth = output['inv_depth'] # Prepare path strings filename = batch['filename'] dataset_idx = 0 if len(args) == 1 else args[1] save_path = os.path.join(save.folder, 'depth', prepare_dataset_prefix(dataset, dataset_idx), os.path.basename(save.pretrained).split('.')[0]) # Create folder os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True) # For each image in the batch length = rgb.shape[0] for i in range(length): # Save numpy depth maps if save.npz: # Get depth from predicted depth map and save to .npz np.savez_compressed('{}/{}.npz'.format(save_path, filename[i]), depth=inv2depth(pred_inv_depth[i]).squeeze().detach().cpu().numpy()) # Save inverse depth visualizations if save.viz: # Prepare RGB image rgb_i = rgb[i].permute(1, 2, 0).detach().cpu().numpy() * 255 # Prepare inverse depth pred_inv_depth_i = viz_inv_depth(pred_inv_depth[i]) * 255 # Concatenate both vertically image = np.concatenate([rgb_i, pred_inv_depth_i], 0) # Write to disk cv2.imwrite('{}/{}.png'.format( save_path, filename[i]), image[:, :, ::-1])