# Copyright 2020 Toyota Research Institute. All rights reserved.
import argparse
from packnet_sfm import ModelWrapper, ModelCheckpoint, HorovodTrainer
from packnet_sfm.utils.config import parse_train_file
from packnet_sfm.utils.load import set_debug, filter_args_create
from packnet_sfm.utils.horovod import hvd_init, rank
from packnet_sfm.loggers import WandbLogger
[docs]def parse_args():
"""Parse arguments for training script"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PackNet-SfM training script')
parser.add_argument('file', type=str, help='Input file (.ckpt or .yaml)')
args = parser.parse_args()
assert args.file.endswith(('.ckpt', '.yaml')), \
'You need to provide a .ckpt of .yaml file'
return args
[docs]def train(file):
Monocular depth estimation training script.
file : str
Filepath, can be either a
**.yaml** for a yacs configuration file or a
**.ckpt** for a pre-trained checkpoint file.
# Initialize horovod
# Produce configuration and checkpoint from filename
config, ckpt = parse_train_file(file)
# Set debug if requested
# Wandb Logger
logger = None if config.wandb.dry_run or rank() > 0 \
else filter_args_create(WandbLogger, config.wandb)
# model checkpoint
checkpoint = None if config.checkpoint.filepath is '' or rank() > 0 else \
filter_args_create(ModelCheckpoint, config.checkpoint)
# Initialize model wrapper
model_wrapper = ModelWrapper(config, resume=ckpt, logger=logger)
# Create trainer with args.arch parameters
trainer = HorovodTrainer(**config.arch, checkpoint=checkpoint)
# Train model
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_args()