dgp.utils package

dgp.utils.accumulate module

Useful utilities for accumulating sensory information over time

dgp.utils.accumulate.accumulate_points(point_datums, target_datum, transform_boxes=False)

Accumulates lidar or radar points by transforming all datums in point_datums to the frame used in target_datum.

point_datums: list[dict]

List of datum dictionaries to accumulate

target_datum: dict

A single datum to use as the reference frame and reference time.

transform_boxes: bool, optional

Flag to denote if cuboid annotations and instance ids should be used to warp points to the target frame. Only valid for Lidar. Default: False.

p_target: dict

A new datum with accumulated points and an additional field ‘accumulation_offset_t’ that indicates the delta in microseconds between the target_datum and the given point.

dgp.utils.accumulate.points_in_cuboid(query_points, cuboid)

Tests if a point is contained by a cuboid. Assumes points are in the same frame as the cuboid, i.e, cuboid.pose translates points in the cuboid local frame to the query_point frame.

query_points: np.ndarray

Numpy array shape (N,3) of points.

cuboid: dgp.utils.structures.bounding_box_3d.BoundingBox3D

Cuboid in same reference frame as query points

in_view: np.ndarray

Numpy boolean array shape (N,) where a True entry denotes a point insided the cuboid

dgp.utils.annotation module

dgp.utils.annotation.get_depth_from_point_cloud(dataset, scene_idx, sample_idx_in_scene, cam_datum_name, pc_datum_name)

Generate the depth map in the camera view using the provided point cloud datum within the sample.

dataset: dgp.dataset.BaseDataset

Inherited base dataset to augment with depth data.

scene_idx: int

Index of the scene.

sample_idx_in_scene: int

Index of the sample within the scene at scene_idx.

cam_datum_name: str

Name of camera datum within the sample.

pc_datum_name: str

Name of the point cloud datum within the sample.

depth: np.ndarray

Depth map from the camera’s viewpoint.

dgp.utils.annotation.is_empty_annotation(annotation_file, annotation_type)

Check if JSON style annotation files are empty

annotation_file: str

Path to JSON file containing annotations for 2D/3D bounding boxes

annotation_type: object

Protobuf pb2 object we want to load into.


True if empty annotation, otherwise False

dgp.utils.cache module


Clear DGP cache to avoid growing disk-usage.

directory: str, optional

A pathname to the directory used by DGP for caching. Default: DGP_CACHE_DIR.

dgp.utils.cache.diskcache(protocol='npz', cache_dir=None)

Disk-caching method/function decorator that caches results into dgp cache for arbitrary pickle-able / numpy objects.

protocol: str, optional

Serialization protocol. Choices: {npz, pkl}. Default: “npz” (numpy).

cache_dir: str, optional

Directory to cache instead of the default DGP cache. Default: None.

dgp.utils.camera module

General-purpose class for cameras.

class dgp.utils.camera.Camera(K, D=None, p_cw=None)

Bases: object

Camera class with well-defined intrinsics and extrinsics.

property Kinv

Analytic inverse camera intrinsic (K^-1)

Kinv: np.ndarray (33)

Inverse camera matrix K^-1.

property P

Projection matrix

property cx
property cy
classmethod from_params(fx, fy, cx, cy, p_cw=None, distortion=None)

Create camera batch from calibration parameters.

fx: float

Camera focal length along x-axis.

fy: float

Camera focal length along y-axis.

cx: float

Camera x-axis principal point.

cy: float

Camera y-axis principal point.

p_cw: Pose

Pose from world to camera frame.

distortion: dict[str, float], optional

Optional dictionary of distortion parameters k1,k2,.. etc. Default: None.


Camera object with relevant intrinsics.

property fx
property fy
in_frustum(X, height, width)

Given a set of 3D points, return a boolean index of points in the camera frustum

X: np.ndarray

3D spatial coordinates for each pixel IN THE CAMERA FRAME. Shape is (N x 3).

height: int

Height of image.

width: int

Width of image.

inside_frustum: np.ndarray

Bool array for X which are inside frustum


Project 3D points from specified reference frame onto image plane

Xw: np.ndarray

3D spatial coordinates for each pixel in the world reference frame. Shape is (N x 3).

x: np.ndarray (N x 2)

2D image coordinates for each pixel in the specified

reference frame.

property rodrigues

Retrieve the Rodrigues rotation.

rvec: np.ndarray (3,)

Rodrigues rotation

static scale_intrinsics(K, x_scale, y_scale)

Scale intrinsic matrix (B33, or 33) given x and y-axes scales. Note: This function works for both torch and numpy.

K: np.ndarray

Camera calibration matrix. Shape is (3 x 3).

x_scale: float

x-axis scale factor.

y_scale: float

y-axis scale factor.

np.array of shape (3x3)

Scaled camera intrinsic matrix

transform(X, frame)

Project points from 2D into 3D given known camera intrinsics

points_in_2d: np.ndarray

Array of shape (N, 2)

points_in_3d: np.ndarray

Array of shape (N, 3) of points projected into 3D

class dgp.utils.camera.Distortion(D=array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32))

Bases: object

Distortion via distortion parameters or full distortion map

property coefficients

Convert CameraIntrinsics pbobject to 3x3 camera matrix

intrinsics: CameraIntrinsics_pb2

Protobuf containing cx, cy, fx, fy, skew

K: np.ndarray

Camera matrix

dgp.utils.camera.generate_depth_map(camera, Xw, shape)

Render pointcloud on image.

camera: Camera

Camera object with appropriately set extrinsics wrt world.

Xw: np.ndarray

3D point cloud (x, y, z) in the world coordinate. Shape is (N x 3).

shape: np.ndarray

Output depth image shape as (H, W).

depth: np.array

Rendered depth image.

dgp.utils.camera.pbobject_from_camera_matrix(K, distortion=None)

Convert camera intrinsic matrix into pb object.

K: np.ndarray

Camera Intrinsic Matrix

distortion: dict[str, float]

Dictionary of distortion params i.e, k1,k2,p1,p2,k3,k4,xi,alpha etc

intrinsics: geometry_pb2.CameraIntrinsics

Camera Intrinsic object

dgp.utils.cli_utils module

Various utility functions for Click options


Decorator function to add a list of Click options to a Click subcommand.

**kwargs: dict

The options keyword argument shall be a list of string options to extend a Click CLI.

dgp.utils.colors module

This file contains definitions of predefined RGB colors, and color-related utility functions.

dgp.utils.colors.adjust_lightness(color, factor=1.0)

Adjust lightness of an RGB color.

color: Tuple[int]

RGB color

factor: float, optional

Factor of lightness adjustment. Default: 1.0.


Adjusted RGB color.

dgp.utils.colors.color_borders(img, color, thickness=10)

Draw a frame (i.e. the 4 sides) of image.

img: np.ndarray

Input image with shape of (H, W, 3) and unit8 type.

color: Tuple[int]

Color to draw the frame.

thickness: int, optional

Thickness of the frame. Default: 10.

img_w_frame: np.ndarray

Image with colored frame.

dgp.utils.colors.get_unique_colors(num_colors, in_bgr=False, cmap='tab20')

Use matplotlib color maps (‘tab10’ or ‘tab20’) to get given number of unique colors.

CAVEAT: matplotlib only supports default qualitative color palletes of fixed number, up to 20.

num_colors: int

Number of colors. Must be less than 20.

in_bgr: bool, optional

Whether or not to return the color in BGR order. Default: False.

cmap: str, optional

matplotlib colormap name (https://matplotlib.org/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html) Must be a qualitative color map. Default: “tab20”.


List of colors in 3-tuple.

dgp.utils.dataset_conversion module

Useful utilities for pre-processing datasets

class dgp.utils.dataset_conversion.DatasetGen(version, raw_path, local_output_path)

Bases: object

EMAIL = 'ml@tri.global'

Parse raw data into DGP format and return the dataset json.

dataset_json_path: str

Dataset json path



static open_image(filename)

Returns an image given a filename.

filename: str

A pathname of an image to open.


Image that was opened.


Populate boilerplate fields for dataset conversion. Statistics, size, etc… are recomputed during conversion




Populate ontologies’ fields for dataset conversion.




Compute dataset (image/point_cloud) statistics.




Write the final scene dataset JSON.

upload: bool, optional

If True, upload the dataset to the scene pool in s3. Default: False.

scene_dataset_json_path: str

Path of the scene dataset JSON file created.

class dgp.utils.dataset_conversion.MergeSceneDatasetGen(scene_dataset_json_paths, description, version, local_output_path=None, bucket_path=None, name=None, email=None)

Bases: object

Class to merge multiple scene dataset JSONs together.

scene_dataset_json_paths: list

List of scene dataset JSON paths.

description: str

Description of the dataset.

version: str

Version of the dataset.

local_output_path: str, default: None

Local path to save merged scene dataset JSON

bucket_path: str

Where merged dataset should be saved to on s3 (defaults to that of the first dataset)

name: str, default: None

Name of the dataset

email: str, default: None

Email of the dataset creator


Aggregate scene JSON paths together.


Write the final scene dataset JSON.

upload: bool, optional

If true, upload the dataset to the scene pool in s3. Default: False.

scene_dataset_json_path: str

Path of the scene dataset JSON file created.


Function converting color to instance id. This function the the conversion function used by COCO dataset. We adapted this function from the panoptic api: `https://github.com/cocodataset/panopticapi` Parameters ———- color: list

A list of 3 channel color intensity in rgb.

id: int

A single id encoded by the 3 channel color intensity.

dgp.utils.dataset_conversion.compute_image_statistics(image_list, image_open_fn, single_process=False, num_processes=None)

Given a list of images (paths to files), return the per channel mean and stdev. Also returns a dictionary mapping filename to image size

image_list: list

List of str of filepaths to images that can be opened by PIL

image_open_fn: function

Function to open image files in image_list, i.e. PIL.Image.open

single_process: bool

If it’s True, it gets image stats in single process for debugging. Defaults to False.

num_processes: int

A number of process in multiprocessing.Pool. If it’s None, it uses cpu count. Defaults to None.

global_mean: np.ndarray

Channel wise mean of images over images in given list

global_stdevr: np.ndarray

Channel wise standard deviation of images in given list

all_image_sizes: dict

Dict mapping from filenames to image sizes (C, H, W)


Raised if all the images are invalid extensions.


Given a unique identifier, return the SHA1 hash hexdigest. Used for creating unique frame IDs

image: PIL.Image

Image to be hashed

Hexdigest of image content


Given a unique identifier, return the SHA1 hash hexdigest.

annotation: np.array

instance_segmentation_2d annotation to be hashed

Hexdigest of annotation content


Raised if annotation is not of type np.uint16 or np.uint23.


Raised if annotation is not 2-dimensional.


Given a unique identifier, return the SHA1 hash hexdigest. Used for creating unique datum IDs

point_cloud: np.ndarray

Point cloud to be hashed

Hexdigest of point cloud


Given a unique identifier, return the SHA1 hash hexdigest.

annotation: np.array

semantic_segmentation_2d annotation to be hashed

Hexdigest of annotation content


Raised if annotation is not of type np.uint8.


Raised if annotation is not 2-dimensional.


Get today’s date. In format yyyy-mm-dd


Returns current date time proto in UTC.

datetime_proto: google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp

Current date time proto object in UTC.

dgp.utils.dataset_conversion.make_dir(dir_path, exist_ok=False)

Create a directory and catch the error if it already exists.

dir_path: str

Directory to create

exist_ok: bool

Raise error if directory exists when this is set to False

dir_path: str

Created directory name


Walk through subdirectories and pull all filenames

directory: str

Path to directory to recurse

file_list: list

Full paths to the files in all subdirectories


Read pointcloud PLY file into numpy array(s)

file: str

Filename with pointcloud. It should have .ply extension

  • points: numpy array [N, 3]

    Point cloud of (x, y, z) coordinates in Lidar frame

  • intensities: numpy array [N, ]

    If present in source file, measured intensities. Otherwise empty array

  • timestamps: numpy array [N, ]

    If present in source file, array of measurements timestamps. Otherwise empty array


Raised if data type is not supported


Function converting color to instance id. This function the the conversion function used by COCO dataset. We adapted this function from the panoptic api: `https://github.com/cocodataset/panopticapi` Parameters ———- color: list

A list of 3 channel color intensity in rgb.

id: int

A single id encoded by the 3 channel color intensity.

dgp.utils.dataset_conversion.write_cloud_ply(file, points, intensities=None, timestamps=None)

Write pointcloud and, if provided, intensities and timestamps to PLY standard output

file: str

Filename to save cloud . It should have .ply extension

points: numpy array [N, 3] float64

Point cloud of (x, y, z) coordinates in Lidar frame

intensities: numpy array [N, ] uint8

Measured intensities

timestamps: numpy array [N, ] float64

Array of measurements timestamps

dgp.utils.datasets module


Retrieve a dictionary of split to scenes of a DGP-compliant scene dataset.

dataset: dgp.proto.dataset_pb2.SceneDataset

SceneDataset proto object.

split_to_scene_json: dict

A dictionary of split to a list of scene JSONs.

split_to_scene_dir: dict

A dictionary of split to a list of scene_dirs.

dgp.utils.pose module

General-purpose class for rigid-body transformations.

class dgp.utils.pose.Pose(wxyz=array([1., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32), tvec=array([0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32), reference_coordinate_system='')

Bases: object

SE(3) rigid transform class that allows compounding of 6-DOF poses and provides common transformations that are commonly seen in geometric problems.


Return a copy of this pose object.


Copied pose object.

classmethod from_matrix(transformation_matrix, reference_coordinate_system='')

Initialize pose from 4x4 transformation matrix

transformation_matrix: np.ndarray

4x4 containing rotation/translation

reference_coordinate_system: str

Reference coordinate system this Pose (Transform) is expressed with respect to


classmethod from_rotation_translation(rotation_matrix, tvec, reference_coordinate_system='')

Initialize pose from rotation matrix and translation vector.


3x3 rotation matrix


length-3 translation vector

reference_coordinate_system: str

Reference coordinate system this Pose (Transform) is expressed with respect to


Returns a new Pose that corresponds to the inverse of this one.

new_reference_coordinate_system: str

The reference coordinate system the inverse Pose (Transform) is expressed with respect to. I.e. the name of the current Pose


new_reference_coordinate_system pose

classmethod load(pose_proto)

Initialize pose from 4x4 transformation matrix

pose_proto: Pose_pb2

Pose as defined in proto/geometry.proto


property matrix

Returns a 4x4 homogeneous matrix of the form [R t; 0 1]

result: np.ndarray

4x4 homogeneous matrix

property rotation

Return the rotation component of the pose as a Quaternion object.


Rotation component of the Pose object.

property rotation_matrix

Returns the 3x3 rotation matrix (R)


3x3 rotation matrix


Convert Pose into pb object.

pose_0S: Pose_pb2

Pose as defined in proto/geometry.proto

property translation

Return the translation component of the pose as a np.ndarray.


Translation component of the Pose object.

dgp.utils.protobuf module


Given a pb object, return the deterministic SHA1 hash hexdigest. Used for creating unique IDs.

pb_object: object

A protobuf pb2 object to be hashed.

Hexdigest of annotation content


From a list of ‘scene.json’ and/or ‘scene_<sha1>.json’ paths in s3, return a Scene object for the one with the latest timestamp. Parameters ———- s3_scene_jsons: List[str]

List of ‘scene.json’ or ‘scene_<sha1>.json’ paths in s3

latest_scene: dgp.proto.scene_pb2.Scene

Scene pb object with the latest creation timestamp.

scene_json_path: str

S3 Path to the latest scene JSON.

This function can be called on the output:

out, _ = s3_recursive_list(os.path.join(scene_s3_dir, ‘scene’)

which is grabbing all ‘scene*’ files from the Scene directory


Open feature ontology objects.

ontology_file: str

JSON ontology file path to load.

ontology: FeatureOntology object

Desired Feature Ontology pb2 object to be opened. Returns None if neither fails to load.


Open ontology objects, first attempt to open V2 before trying V1.

ontology_file: str or bytes

JSON ontology file path to load or bytestring.

ontology: Ontology object

Desired Ontology pb2 object to be opened (either V2 or V1). Returns None if neither fails to load.

dgp.utils.protobuf.open_pbobject(path, pb_class)

Load JSON as a protobuf (pb2) object.

Any calls to load protobuf objects from JSON in this repository should be through this function. Returns None if the loading failed.

path: str

Local JSON file path or remote scene dataset JSON URI to load.

pb_class: object

Protobuf pb2 object we want to load into.

pb_object: pb2 object

Desired pb2 object to be opened.

dgp.utils.protobuf.open_remote_pb_object(s3_object_uri, pb_class)

Load JSON as a protobuf (pb2) object from S3 remote

s3_object_uri: str

Remote scene dataset JSON URI.

pb_class: object

Protobuf pb2 object we want to load into.

pb_object: pb2 object

Desired pb2 object to be opened.


Raised if s3_object_uri is not a valid S3 path.

dgp.utils.protobuf.parse_pbobject(source, pb_class)

Like open_pboject but source can be a path or a bytestring

source: str or bytes

Local JSON file path, remote s3 path to object, or bytestring of serialized object

pb_class: object

Protobuf pb2 object we want to load into.

pb_object: pb2 object or None

Desired pb2 ojbect to be parsed or None if loading fails

dgp.utils.protobuf.save_pbobject_as_json(pb_object, save_path)

Save protobuf (pb2) object to JSON file with our standard indent, key ordering, and other settings.

Any calls to save protobuf objects to JSON in this repository should be through this function.

pb_object: object

Protobuf pb2 object we want to save to file

save_path: str

If save path is a JSON, serialized object is saved to that path. If save path is directory, the pb_object is saved in <save_path>/<pb_object_sha>.json.

save_path: str

Returns path to saved pb_object JSON

dgp.utils.statistics module

dgp.utils.statistics.get_scene_class_statistics(scene, scene_dir, annotation_enum, ontology=None)

Given a DGP scene, return class counts of the annotations in the scene.

scene: dgp.proto.scene_pb2.Scene

Scene Object.

scene_dir: string

s3 URL or local path to scene.

annotation_enum: dgp.proto.ontology_pb2.AnnotationType

Annotation type enum

ontology: dgp.proto.ontology_pb2.Ontology or None

Stats will be computed for this ontology. If None, the ontology will be read from the scene.

scene_stats: OrderedDict
class_name: int

Counts of annotations for each class.

dgp.utils.statistics.get_scene_statistics(scene, verbose=True)

Given a DGP scene, return simple statistics (counts) of the scene.

scene: dgp.proto.scene_pb2.Scene

Scene Object.

verbose: bool, optional

Print the stats if True. Default: True.

scene_stats: OrderedDict
num_samples: int

Number of samples in the Scene

num_images: int

Number of image datums in the Scene.

num_point_clouds: int

Number of point_cloud datums in the Scene.

<datum_type>_<annotation_type>: int

Number of <datum_type> with associated <annotation_type> annotation files.

dgp.utils.testing module

exception dgp.utils.testing.SkipTest

Bases: Exception

Raise this exception in a test to skip it.

Usually you can use TestCase.skipTest() or one of the skipping decorators instead of raising this directly.

dgp.utils.testing.assert_allclose(actual, desired, rtol=1e-07, atol=0, equal_nan=True, err_msg='', verbose=True)

Raises an AssertionError if two objects are not equal up to desired tolerance.

The test is equivalent to allclose(actual, desired, rtol, atol) (note that allclose has different default values). It compares the difference between actual and desired to atol + rtol * abs(desired).

New in version 1.5.0.


Array obtained.


Array desired.

rtolfloat, optional

Relative tolerance.

atolfloat, optional

Absolute tolerance.

equal_nanbool, optional.

If True, NaNs will compare equal.

err_msgstr, optional

The error message to be printed in case of failure.

verbosebool, optional

If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired are not equal up to specified precision.

assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, assert_array_max_ulp

>>> x = [1e-5, 1e-3, 1e-1]
>>> y = np.arccos(np.cos(x))
>>> np.testing.assert_allclose(x, y, rtol=1e-5, atol=0)
dgp.utils.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, desired, decimal=7, err_msg='', verbose=True)

Raises an AssertionError if two items are not equal up to desired precision.


It is recommended to use one of assert_allclose, assert_array_almost_equal_nulp or assert_array_max_ulp instead of this function for more consistent floating point comparisons.

The test verifies that the elements of actual and desired satisfy.

abs(desired-actual) < 1.5 * 10**(-decimal)

That is a looser test than originally documented, but agrees with what the actual implementation in assert_array_almost_equal did up to rounding vagaries. An exception is raised at conflicting values. For ndarrays this delegates to assert_array_almost_equal


The object to check.


The expected object.

decimalint, optional

Desired precision, default is 7.

err_msgstr, optional

The error message to be printed in case of failure.

verbosebool, optional

If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired are not equal up to specified precision.

assert_allclose: Compare two array_like objects for equality with desired

relative and/or absolute precision.

assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, assert_array_max_ulp, assert_equal

>>> from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
>>> assert_almost_equal(2.3333333333333, 2.33333334)
>>> assert_almost_equal(2.3333333333333, 2.33333334, decimal=10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not almost equal to 10 decimals
 ACTUAL: 2.3333333333333
 DESIRED: 2.33333334
>>> assert_almost_equal(np.array([1.0,2.3333333333333]),
...                     np.array([1.0,2.33333334]), decimal=9)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not almost equal to 9 decimals

Mismatched elements: 1 / 2 (50%)
Max absolute difference: 6.66669964e-09
Max relative difference: 2.85715698e-09
 x: array([1.         , 2.333333333])
 y: array([1.        , 2.33333334])
dgp.utils.testing.assert_approx_equal(actual, desired, significant=7, err_msg='', verbose=True)

Raises an AssertionError if two items are not equal up to significant digits.


It is recommended to use one of assert_allclose, assert_array_almost_equal_nulp or assert_array_max_ulp instead of this function for more consistent floating point comparisons.

Given two numbers, check that they are approximately equal. Approximately equal is defined as the number of significant digits that agree.


The object to check.


The expected object.

significantint, optional

Desired precision, default is 7.

err_msgstr, optional

The error message to be printed in case of failure.

verbosebool, optional

If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired are not equal up to specified precision.

assert_allclose: Compare two array_like objects for equality with desired

relative and/or absolute precision.

assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, assert_array_max_ulp, assert_equal

>>> np.testing.assert_approx_equal(0.12345677777777e-20, 0.1234567e-20)
>>> np.testing.assert_approx_equal(0.12345670e-20, 0.12345671e-20,
...                                significant=8)
>>> np.testing.assert_approx_equal(0.12345670e-20, 0.12345672e-20,
...                                significant=8)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Items are not equal to 8 significant digits:
 ACTUAL: 1.234567e-21
 DESIRED: 1.2345672e-21

the evaluated condition that raises the exception is

>>> abs(0.12345670e-20/1e-21 - 0.12345672e-20/1e-21) >= 10**-(8-1)
dgp.utils.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(x, y, decimal=6, err_msg='', verbose=True)

Raises an AssertionError if two objects are not equal up to desired precision.


It is recommended to use one of assert_allclose, assert_array_almost_equal_nulp or assert_array_max_ulp instead of this function for more consistent floating point comparisons.

The test verifies identical shapes and that the elements of actual and desired satisfy.

abs(desired-actual) < 1.5 * 10**(-decimal)

That is a looser test than originally documented, but agrees with what the actual implementation did up to rounding vagaries. An exception is raised at shape mismatch or conflicting values. In contrast to the standard usage in numpy, NaNs are compared like numbers, no assertion is raised if both objects have NaNs in the same positions.


The actual object to check.


The desired, expected object.

decimalint, optional

Desired precision, default is 6.

err_msgstr, optional

The error message to be printed in case of failure.

verbosebool, optional

If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired are not equal up to specified precision.

assert_allclose: Compare two array_like objects for equality with desired

relative and/or absolute precision.

assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, assert_array_max_ulp, assert_equal

the first assert does not raise an exception

>>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal([1.0,2.333,np.nan],
...                                      [1.0,2.333,np.nan])
>>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal([1.0,2.33333,np.nan],
...                                      [1.0,2.33339,np.nan], decimal=5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not almost equal to 5 decimals

Mismatched elements: 1 / 3 (33.3%)
Max absolute difference: 6.e-05
Max relative difference: 2.57136612e-05
 x: array([1.     , 2.33333,     nan])
 y: array([1.     , 2.33339,     nan])
>>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal([1.0,2.33333,np.nan],
...                                      [1.0,2.33333, 5], decimal=5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not almost equal to 5 decimals

x and y nan location mismatch:
 x: array([1.     , 2.33333,     nan])
 y: array([1.     , 2.33333, 5.     ])
dgp.utils.testing.assert_array_equal(x, y, err_msg='', verbose=True)

Raises an AssertionError if two array_like objects are not equal.

Given two array_like objects, check that the shape is equal and all elements of these objects are equal (but see the Notes for the special handling of a scalar). An exception is raised at shape mismatch or conflicting values. In contrast to the standard usage in numpy, NaNs are compared like numbers, no assertion is raised if both objects have NaNs in the same positions.

The usual caution for verifying equality with floating point numbers is advised.


The actual object to check.


The desired, expected object.

err_msgstr, optional

The error message to be printed in case of failure.

verbosebool, optional

If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired objects are not equal.

assert_allclose: Compare two array_like objects for equality with desired

relative and/or absolute precision.

assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, assert_array_max_ulp, assert_equal

When one of x and y is a scalar and the other is array_like, the function checks that each element of the array_like object is equal to the scalar.

The first assert does not raise an exception:

>>> np.testing.assert_array_equal([1.0,2.33333,np.nan],
...                               [np.exp(0),2.33333, np.nan])

Assert fails with numerical imprecision with floats:

>>> np.testing.assert_array_equal([1.0,np.pi,np.nan],
...                               [1, np.sqrt(np.pi)**2, np.nan])
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not equal

Mismatched elements: 1 / 3 (33.3%)
Max absolute difference: 4.4408921e-16
Max relative difference: 1.41357986e-16
 x: array([1.      , 3.141593,      nan])
 y: array([1.      , 3.141593,      nan])

Use assert_allclose or one of the nulp (number of floating point values) functions for these cases instead:

>>> np.testing.assert_allclose([1.0,np.pi,np.nan],
...                            [1, np.sqrt(np.pi)**2, np.nan],
...                            rtol=1e-10, atol=0)

As mentioned in the Notes section, assert_array_equal has special handling for scalars. Here the test checks that each value in x is 3:

>>> x = np.full((2, 5), fill_value=3)
>>> np.testing.assert_array_equal(x, 3)
dgp.utils.testing.assert_array_less(x, y, err_msg='', verbose=True)

Raises an AssertionError if two array_like objects are not ordered by less than.

Given two array_like objects, check that the shape is equal and all elements of the first object are strictly smaller than those of the second object. An exception is raised at shape mismatch or incorrectly ordered values. Shape mismatch does not raise if an object has zero dimension. In contrast to the standard usage in numpy, NaNs are compared, no assertion is raised if both objects have NaNs in the same positions.


The smaller object to check.


The larger object to compare.


The error message to be printed in case of failure.


If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired objects are not equal.

assert_array_equal: tests objects for equality assert_array_almost_equal: test objects for equality up to precision

>>> np.testing.assert_array_less([1.0, 1.0, np.nan], [1.1, 2.0, np.nan])
>>> np.testing.assert_array_less([1.0, 1.0, np.nan], [1, 2.0, np.nan])
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not less-ordered

Mismatched elements: 1 / 3 (33.3%)
Max absolute difference: 1.
Max relative difference: 0.5
 x: array([ 1.,  1., nan])
 y: array([ 1.,  2., nan])
>>> np.testing.assert_array_less([1.0, 4.0], 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not less-ordered

Mismatched elements: 1 / 2 (50%)
Max absolute difference: 2.
Max relative difference: 0.66666667
 x: array([1., 4.])
 y: array(3)
>>> np.testing.assert_array_less([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4])
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not less-ordered

(shapes (3,), (1,) mismatch)
 x: array([1., 2., 3.])
 y: array([4])
dgp.utils.testing.assert_between(value, low, high, low_inclusive=True, high_inclusive=True)

Assert value is inside the specified range. Parameters ———- value : comparable

Value to be asserted.


Range lower bound.


Range upper bound.

low_inclusivebool, optional

Allow case when value == low. Default: True.

high_inclusivebool, optional

Allow case when value == high. Default: True.

dgp.utils.testing.assert_equal(first, second, msg=None)

Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by the ‘==’ operator.

dgp.utils.testing.assert_false(expr, msg=None)

Check that the expression is false.

dgp.utils.testing.assert_greater(a, b, msg=None)

Just like self.assertTrue(a > b), but with a nicer default message.

dgp.utils.testing.assert_greater_equal(a, b, msg=None)

Just like self.assertTrue(a >= b), but with a nicer default message.

dgp.utils.testing.assert_less(a, b, msg=None)

Just like self.assertTrue(a < b), but with a nicer default message.

dgp.utils.testing.assert_less_equal(a, b, msg=None)

Just like self.assertTrue(a <= b), but with a nicer default message.

dgp.utils.testing.assert_not_equal(first, second, msg=None)

Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by the ‘!=’ operator.

dgp.utils.testing.assert_raises(expected_exception, *args, **kwargs)

Fail unless an exception of class expected_exception is raised by the callable when invoked with specified positional and keyword arguments. If a different type of exception is raised, it will not be caught, and the test case will be deemed to have suffered an error, exactly as for an unexpected exception.

If called with the callable and arguments omitted, will return a context object used like this:

with self.assertRaises(SomeException):

An optional keyword argument ‘msg’ can be provided when assertRaises is used as a context object.

The context manager keeps a reference to the exception as the ‘exception’ attribute. This allows you to inspect the exception after the assertion:

with self.assertRaises(SomeException) as cm:
the_exception = cm.exception
self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3)
dgp.utils.testing.assert_true(expr, msg=None)

Check that the expression is true.

dgp.utils.visualization_engine module

dgp.utils.visualization_engine.visualize_dataset_2d(dataset, camera_datum_names=None, max_num_items=None, caption_fn=None, show_instance_id=False, output_video_file=None, output_video_fps=30, class_colormap=None, adjust_lightness_factor=1.0, font_scale=1, rgb_resize_factor=0.5)

Visualize 2D annotations of a synchronized DGP dataset (e.g. SynchronizedSceneDataset, ParallelDomainScene). The output is a video, either rendered on X window or a video file, that visualize 2D bounding boxes and optionally instance segmentation masks.

dataset: _SynchronizedDataset

A multimodel dataset of which __getitem__ returns a list of OrderedDict, one item for each datum.

camera_datum_names: None or List[str], optional

Names of camera_datums. If None, then use all datums whose type is image and are available in all scenes. In the output video, the image visualizations are tiled in row-major order according to the order of this list. Default: None.

max_num_items: None or int, optional

If not None, then show only up to this number of items. This is useful for debugging a large dataset. Default: None.

caption_fn: Callable, optional

A function that take as input a _SynchronizedDataset and index, and return a text (str). The text is put as caption at the top left corner of video. Default: None.

show_instance_id: bool, optional

Option to show instance id instead of instance class name on annotated images. Default: False.

output_video_file: None or str, optional

If not None, then write the visualization on a video of this name. It must ends with .avi. Default: None.

output_video_fps: int, optional

Frame rate of the video. Default: 30

class_colormap: dict or None, optional

Dict of class name to RGB color tuple. If None, then use class color defined in dataset. Default: None.

adjust_lightness_factor: float, optional

Enhance the brightness of colormap by this factor. Default: 1.0.

font_scale: float, optional

Font scale used for all text. Default: 1.

rgb_resize_factor: float, optional

Resize images by this factor before tiling them into a single panel. Default: 0.5.

dgp.utils.visualization_engine.visualize_dataset_3d(dataset, lidar_datum_names=None, camera_datum_names=None, render_pointcloud_on_images=True, show_instance_id_on_bev=True, max_num_items=None, caption_fn=None, output_video_file=None, output_video_fps=30, class_colormap=None, adjust_lightness_factor=1.0, rgb_resize_factor=0.5, rgb_border_thickness=4, bev_metric_width=100.0, bev_metric_height=100.0, bev_pixels_per_meter=10.0, bev_polar_step_size_meters=10, bev_forward=(1, 0, 0), bev_left=(0, 1, 0), bev_background_clr=(0, 0, 0), bev_font_scale=0.5, bev_line_thickness=4, bbox3d_font_scale=1.0, bbox3d_line_thickness=4, pc_rgb_cmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, pc_rgb_norm_depth=10, pc_rgb_dilation=3, radar_datum_names=None, render_radar_pointcloud_on_images=True)

Visualize 3D annotations and pointclouds of a synchronized DGP dataset (e.g. SynchronizedSceneDataset, ParallelDomainScene). The output is a video, either rendered on X window or a video file, that visualize 3D bounding boxes and pointcloud 1) from a BEV view and 2) projected on cameras. Parameters ———- dataset: _SynchronizedDataset

A multimodel dataset of which __getitem__ returns a list of OrderedDict, one item for each datum.

lidar_datum_names: None or List[str], optional

Names of lidar datums. If None, then use all datums whose type is point_cloud and are available in all scenes. Default: None.

camera_datum_names: None or List[str], optional

Names of camera_datums. If None, then use all datums whose type is image and are available in all scenes. In the output video, the image visualizations are tiled in row-major order according to the order of this list. Default: None.

render_pointcloud_on_images: bool, optional

Whether or not to render projected pointclouds on images. Default: True.

show_instance_id_on_bev: bool, optional

If True, then show instance_id on a corner of 3D bounding boxes in BEV view. If False, then show class_name instead. Default: True.

max_num_items: None or int, optional

If not None, then show only up to this number of items. This is useful for debugging a large dataset. Default: None.

caption_fn: Callable, optional

A function that take as input a _SynchronizedDataset and index, and return a text (str). The text is put as caption at the top left corner of video. Default: None.

output_video_file: None or str, optional

If not None, then write the visualization on a video of this name. It must ends with .avi. Default: None.

output_video_fps: int, optional

Frame rate of the video. Default: 30.

class_colormap: dict, optional

Dict of class name to RGB color tuple. If None, then use class color defined in dataset. Default: None.

adjust_lightness_factor: float, optional

Enhance the brightness of colormap by this factor. Default: 1.0.

rgb_resize_factor: float, optional

Resize images by this factor before tiling them into a single panel. Default: 0.5.

rgb_border_thickness: int, optional

Put a colored boundary on camera visualization of this thickness before tiling them into single panel. Default: 4.

bev_metric_width: float, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 100.0.

bev_metric_height: float, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 100.0.

bev_pixels_per_meter: float, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 10.0.

bev_polar_step_size_meters: int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 10.

bev_forward: tuple of int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: (1, 0, 0).

bev_left: tuple of int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: (0, 1, 0).

bev_background_clr: tuple of int

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: (0, 0, 0).

bev_font_scale: float

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 0.5.

bev_line_thickness: int

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 4.

bbox3d_font_scale: float

See geometry.BoundingBox3D for this keyword argument. Default: 1.0.

bbox3d_line_thickness: int

See geometry.BoundingBox3D for this keyword argument. Default: 4.

pc_rgb_cmap: optional

See render_pointcloud_on_image() for this keyword argument. The value type comes from matplotlib.cm.get_cmap. Default: MPL_JET_CMAP.

pc_rgb_norm_depth: int, optional

See render_pointcloud_on_image() for this keyword argument. Default: 10.

pc_rgb_dilation: int, optional

See render_pointcloud_on_image() for this keyword argument. Default: 3.

radar_datum_names: List[str], optional

Names of the radar datums. Default: None

render_radar_pointcloud_on_images: bool, optional

Whether or not to render projected radar pointclouds on images. Default: True.

dgp.utils.visualization_engine.visualize_dataset_sample_2d(dataset, scene_idx, sample_idx, camera_datum_names=None, show_instance_id=False, class_colormap=None, adjust_lightness_factor=1.0, rgb_resize_factor=0.5)

Visualize 2D annotations of a single sample from a synchronized DGP dataset (e.g. SynchronizedSceneDataset, ParallelDomainScene). The output is a tuple dictionaries of images keyed by camera datum name (bounding box images, semantic segmentation images).

dataset: _SynchronizedDataset

A multimodel dataset of which __getitem__ returns a list of OrderedDict, one item for each datum.

scene_idx: int

The scene index into the dataset.

sample_idx: int

The sample index into the scene.

camera_datum_names: None or List[str], optional

Names of camera_datums. If None, then use all datums whose type is image and are available in all scenes. In the output video, the image visualizations are tiled in row-major order according to the order of this list. Default: None.

show_instance_id: bool, optional

Option to show instance id instead of instance class name on annotated images. Default: False.

class_colormap: dict or None, optional

Dict of class name to RGB color tuple. If None, then use class color defined in dataset. Default: None.

adjust_lightness_factor: float, optional

Enhance the brightness of colormap by this factor. Default: 1.0.

rgb_resize_factor: float, optional

Resize images by this factor before tiling them into a single panel. Default: 0.5.

bbox_rgbdict of strnp.array

Dictionary of bounding box annotated images keyed by the camera datum name.

semantic_rgbdict of strnp.array

Dictionary of semantic segmentation images keyed by camera datum name.

dgp.utils.visualization_engine.visualize_dataset_sample_3d(dataset, scene_idx, sample_idx, lidar_datum_names=None, camera_datum_names=None, render_pointcloud_on_images=True, show_instance_id_on_bev=True, class_colormap=None, adjust_lightness_factor=1.0, rgb_resize_factor=0.5, rgb_border_thickness=4, bev_metric_width=100.0, bev_metric_height=100.0, bev_pixels_per_meter=10.0, bev_polar_step_size_meters=10, bev_forward=(1, 0, 0), bev_left=(0, 1, 0), bev_background_clr=(0, 0, 0), bev_font_scale=0.5, bev_line_thickness=4, bbox3d_font_scale=1.0, bbox3d_line_thickness=4, pc_rgb_cmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, pc_rgb_norm_depth=10, pc_rgb_dilation=3, radar_datum_names=None)

Visualize 3D annotations and pointclouds of a single sample of a DGP dataset (e.g. SynchronizedSceneDataset, ParallelDomainScene). The output is a dictionary of images keyed by camera datum name and ‘bev’ for the BEV image,

dataset: _SynchronizedDataset

A multimodel dataset of which __getitem__ returns a list of OrderedDict, one item for each datum.

scene_idx: int

scene index into dataset

sample_idx: int

index of sample in scene

lidar_datum_names: None or List[str], optional

Names of lidar datum. Default: None.

camera_datum_names: None or List[str], optional

Names of camera_datums. Default: None.

render_pointcloud_on_images: bool, optional

Whether or not to render projected pointclouds on images. Default: True.

show_instance_id_on_bev: bool, optional

If True, then show instance_id on a corner of 3D bounding boxes in BEV view. If False, then show class_name instead. Default: True.

class_colormap: dict or None, optional

Dict of class name to RGB color tuple. If None, then use class color defined in dataset. Default: None.

adjust_lightness_factor: float, optional

Enhance the brightness of colormap by this factor. Default: 1.0.

rgb_resize_factor: float, optional

Resize images by this factor before tiling them into a single panel. Default: 0.5.

rgb_border_thickness: int, optional

Put a colored boundary on camera visualization of this thickness before tiling them into single panel. Default: 4.

bev_metric_width: float, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 100.0.

bev_metric_height: float, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 100.0.

bev_pixels_per_meter: float, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 10.0.

bev_polar_step_size_meters: int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 10.

bev_forward: tuple, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: (1, 0, 0).

bev_left: tuple, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: (0, 1, 0).

bev_background_clr: tuple, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: (0, 0, 0).

bev_font_scale: float, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 0.5.

bev_line_thickness: int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 4.

bbox3d_font_scale: float, optional

See geometry.BoundingBox3D for these keyword arguments. Default: 1.0.

bbox3d_line_thickness: int, optional

See geometry.BoundingBox3D for these keyword arguments. Default: 4.

pc_rgb_cmap: optional

See render_pointcloud_on_image() for these keyword arguments. The value type comes from matplotlib.cm.get_cmap. Default: MPL_JET_CMAP.

pc_rgb_norm_depth: int, optional

See render_pointcloud_on_image() for these keyword arguments. Default: 10.

pc_rgb_dilation: int, optional

See render_pointcloud_on_image() for these keyword arguments. Default: 3.

radar_datum_names: None or List[str], optional

Names of the radar datums. Default: None.

resultsdict of strnp.array

Dictionary of images keyed by their camera datum name or ‘bev’ for the bird’s eye view.

dgp.utils.visualization_utils module

Visualization tools for a variety of tasks

class dgp.utils.visualization_utils.BEVImage(metric_width=100.0, metric_height=100.0, pixels_per_meter=10.0, polar_step_size_meters=10, forward=(1, 0, 0), left=(0, 1, 0), background_clr=(0, 0, 0), center_offset_w=0, center_offset_h=0)

Bases: object

A class for bird’s eye view visualization, which generates a canvas of bird’s eye view image,

The class concerns two types of transformations:

A pose of sensor wrt the body frame. The inputs of rendering functions (point_cloud and bboxes3d) are in this sensor frame.

BEV rotation:

This defines an axis-aligned transformation from the body frame to BEV frame. For this, it uses conventional definition of orientations in the body frame:

“forward” is a unit vector pointing to forward direction in the body frame. “left” is a unit vector pointing to left-hand-side in the body frame.

In BEV frame,

“forward” matches with right-hand-side of BEV image(x-axis) “left” matches with top of BEV image (negative y-axis)

The rendering is done by chaining the extrinsics and BEV rotation to transform the inputs to the BEV camera, and then apply an orthographic transformation.

metric_width: float, default: 100.

Metric extent of the view in width (X)

metric_height: float, default: 100.

Metric extent of the view in height (Y)

pixels_per_meter: float, default: 10.

Scale that expresses pixels per meter

polar_step_size_meters: int, default: 10

Metric steps at which to draw the polar grid

extrinsics: Pose, default: Identity pose

The pose of the sensor wrt the body frame (Sensor frame -> (Vehicle) Body frame). The input of rendering functions (i.e. point_cloud, bboxes3d) are assumed to be in the sensor frame.

forward, left: tuple[int], defaults: (1., 0., 0), (0., 1., 0.)

Length-3 orthonormal vectors that represents “forward” and “left” direction in the body frame. The default values assumes the most standard body frame; i.e., x: forward, y: left z: up. These are used to construct a rotation transformation from the body frame to the BEV frame.

background_clr: tuple[int], defaults: (0, 0, 0)

Background color in BGR order.

center_offset_w: int, default: 0

Offset in pixels to move ego center in BEV.

center_offset_h: int, default: 0

Offset in pixels to move ego center in BEV.

render_bounding_box_3d(bboxes3d, extrinsics=wxyz: +1.000 +0.000i +0.000j +0.000k, tvec: ([0.00 0.00 0.00]) wrt. ``, colors=((0, 255, 0), ), side_color_fraction=0.7, rear_color_fraction=0.5, texts=None, line_thickness=2, font_scale=0.5, font_colors=((255, 255, 255), ), markers=None, marker_scale=0.5, marker_colors=((255, 0, 0), ))

Render bounding box 3d in BEV perspective.

bboxes3d: List[BoundingBox3D]

3D annotations in the sensor coordinate frame.

extrinsics: Pose, optional

The pose of the pointcloud sensor wrt the body frame (Sensor frame -> (Vehicle) Body frame). Default: Identity pose.

colors: Sequence[Tuple[int, int, int]], optional

Draw boxes using this color where each color is an RGB tuple. Default: (GREEN, ).

side_color_fraction: float, optional

A fraction in brightness of side edge colors of bounding box wrt the front face. Default: 0.6.

rear_color_fraction: float, optional

A fraction in brightness of rear face colors of bounding box wrt the front face. Default: 0.3.

texts: list of str, optional

3D annotation category name. Default: None.

line_thickness: int, optional

Thickness of lines. Default: 2.

font_scale: float, optional

Font scale used for text labels. Default: 0.5.

font_colors: Sequence[Tuple[int, int, int]], optional

Color used for text labels. Default: (WHITE, ).

markers: List[int], optional

List of opencv markers to draw in bottom right corner of cuboid. Should be one of: cv2.MARKER_CROSS, cv2.MARKER_DIAMOND, cv2.MARKER_SQUARE, cv2.MARKER_STAR, cv2.MARKER_TILTED_CROSS, cv2.MARKER_TRIANGLE_DOWN, cv2.MARKER_TRIANGLE_UP, or None. Default: None.

marker_scale: float, optional

Scale factor for markers. Default: 0.5.

marker_colors: Sequence[Tuple[int, int, int]], optional

Draw markers using this color. Default: (RED, ).

render_camera_frustrum(intrinsics, extrinsics, width, color=(252, 226, 5), line_thickness=1)

Visualize the frustrum of camera by drawing two lines connecting the camera center and top-left / top-right corners of image plane.

intrinsics: np.ndarray

3x3 intrinsics matrix

extrinsics: Pose

Pose of camera in body frame.

width: int

Width of image.

color: Tuple[int], optional

Color in RGB of line. Default: YELLOW.

line_thickness: int, optional

Thickness of line. Default: 1.

render_paths(paths, extrinsics=wxyz: +1.000 +0.000i +0.000j +0.000k, tvec: ([0.00 0.00 0.00]) wrt. ``, colors=((0, 255, 0), ), line_thickness=1, tint=1.0)

Render object paths on bev.

paths: list[list[Pose]]

List of object poses in the coordinate frame of the current timestep.

extrinsics: Pose, optional

The pose of the pointcloud sensor wrt the body frame (Sensor frame -> (Vehicle) Body frame). Default: Identity pose.

colors: List[Tuple[int, int, int]], optional

Draw path using this color. Default: (GREEN, ).

line_thickness: int, optional

Thickness of lines. Default: 1.

tint: float, optional

Mulitiplicative factor applied to color used to darken lines. Default: 1.0.

render_point_cloud(point_cloud, extrinsics=wxyz: +1.000 +0.000i +0.000j +0.000k, tvec: ([0.00 0.00 0.00]) wrt. ``, color=(100, 100, 100))

Render point cloud in BEV perspective.

point_cloud: np.ndarray

3D cloud points in the sensor coordinate frame. Shape is (N, 3).

extrinsics: Pose, optional

The pose of the pointcloud sensor wrt the body frame (Sensor frame -> (Vehicle) Body frame). Default: Identity pose.

color: Tuple[int], optional

Color in RGB to render the points. Default: GRAY.

render_radar_point_cloud(point_cloud, extrinsics=wxyz: +1.000 +0.000i +0.000j +0.000k, tvec: ([0.00 0.00 0.00]) wrt. ``, color=(255, 0, 0), velocity=None, velocity_scale=1, velocity_max_pix=0.05)

Render radar point cloud in BEV perspective.

point_cloud: np.ndarray

Point cloud in rectangular coordinates of sensor frame. Shape is (N, 3).

extrinsics: Pose, optional

The pose of the pointcloud sensor wrt the body frame (Sensor frame -> (Vehicle) Body frame). Default: Identity pose.

color: Tuple[int], optional

Color in RGB to render the points. Default: RED.

velocity: np.ndarray, optional

Velocity vector of points. Shape: (N, 3). Default: None.

velocity_scale: float, optional

Factor to scale velocity vector by. Default: 1.0.

velocity_max_pix: float, optional

Maximum length of velocity vector rendering in percent of image width. Default: 0.05.


Reset the canvas to a blank image with guideline circles of various radii.

dgp.utils.visualization_utils.make_caption(dataset, idx, prefix='')

Make caption that tells scene directory and sample index.

dataset: BaseDataset

BaseDataset. e.g. ParallelDomainScene(Dataset), SynchronizedScene(Dataset).

idx: int

Image index.

prefix: str, optional

Caption prefix. Default: “”.

caption: str

Caption of the image

dgp.utils.visualization_utils.mosaic(items, scale=1.0, pad=3, grid_width=None)

Creates a mosaic from list of images.

items: List[np.ndarray]

List of images to mosaic.

scale: float, optional

Scale factor applied to images. scale > 1.0 enlarges images. Default: 1.0.

pad: int, optional

Padding size of the images before mosaic. Default: 3.

grid_width: int, optional

Mosaic width or grid width of the mosaic. Default: None.

image: np.array of shape (H, W, 3)

Image mosaic

dgp.utils.visualization_utils.ontology_to_viz_colormap(ontology, void_class_id=255)

Grabs semseg viz-ready colormap from DGP Ontology object

ontology: dgp.proto.ontology_pb2.Ontology

DGP ontology object for which we want to create a viz-friendly colormap look-up

void_class_id: int, optional

Class ID used to denote VOID or IGNORE in ontology. Default: 255.

colormap: np.int64 array

Shape is (num_classes, 3), where num_classes includes the VOID class colormap[i, :] is the BGR triplet for class ID i, with colormap[-1, :] being the color for the VOID class

Class ID’s are assumed to be contiguous and 0-indexed, with VOID class as the last item in the ontology (if VOID is not in the ontology, then black color is assigned to it and appended to colormap)

dgp.utils.visualization_utils.print_status(image, text)

Adds a status bar at the bottom of image, with provided text.

image: np.ndarray

Image to print status on. Shape is (H, W, 3).

text: str

Text to be printed.

image: np.array of shape (H, W, 3)

Image with status printed

dgp.utils.visualization_utils.render_bbox2d_on_image(img, bboxes2d, instance_masks=None, colors=None, texts=None, line_thickness=4)

Render list of bounding box2d on image.

img: np.ndarray

Image to render bounding boxes onto.

bboxes2d: np.ndarray

Array of 2d bounding box (x, y, w, h). Shape is (N x 4).

instance_masks: list, optional

List of binary instance masks cropped to (w,h). Default: None.

colors: list, optional

List of color tuples. Default: None.

texts: list, optional

List of str classes. Default: None.

line_thickness: int, optional

Line thickness value for bounding box edges. Default: 4.

img: np.array

Image with rendered bounding boxes.

dgp.utils.visualization_utils.render_pointcloud_on_image(img, camera, Xw, cmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, norm_depth=10, dilation=3)

Render pointcloud on image.

img: np.ndarray

Image to render bounding boxes onto.

camera: Camera

Camera object with appropriately set extrinsics wrt world.

Xw: np.ndarray

3D point cloud (x, y, z) in the world coordinate. Shape is (N x 3).

cmap: matplotlib.colors.Colormap, optional

Colormap used for visualizing the inverse depth. Default: MPL_JET_CMAP.

norm_depth: float, optional

Depth value to normalize (inverse) pointcloud depths in color mapping. Default: 10.0.

dilation: int, optional

Dilation factor applied on each point. Default: 3.

img: np.array

Image with rendered point cloud.

dgp.utils.visualization_utils.render_radar_pointcloud_on_image(img, camera, point_cloud, cmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, norm_depth=10, velocity=None, velocity_scale=1, velocity_max_pix=0.05)

Render radar pointcloud on image.

img: np.ndarray

Image to render bounding boxes onto.

camera: Camera

Camera object with appropriately set extrinsics wrt world.

point_cloud: np.ndarray

point cloud in spherical coordinates of radar sensor frame. Shape is (N x 8).

cmap: matplotlib.colors.Colormap

Colormap used for visualizing the inverse depth.

norm_depth: float, optional

Depth value to normalize (inverse) pointcloud depths in color mapping. Default: 10.

velocity: np.ndarray

Velocity vector of points. Shape is (N, 3). Default: None.

velocity_scale: float, optional

Factor to scale velocity vector by. Default: 1.0.

velocity_max_pix: float, optional

Maximum length of velocity vector rendering in percent of image width. Default: 0.05.

img: np.array

Image with rendered point cloud.

dgp.utils.visualization_utils.visualize_bev(lidar_datums, class_colormap, show_instance_id_on_bev=False, id_to_name=None, camera_datums=None, camera_colors=None, bev_metric_width=100, bev_metric_height=100, bev_pixels_per_meter=10, bev_polar_step_size_meters=10, bev_forward=(1, 0, 0), bev_left=(0, 1, 0), bev_background_clr=(0, 0, 0), bev_line_thickness=4, bev_font_scale=0.5, radar_datums=None, instance_colormap=None, cuboid_caption_fn=None, marker_fn=None, marker_scale=0.5, show_paths_on_bev=False, bev_center_offset_w=0, bev_center_offset_h=0)

Create BEV visualization that shows pointcloud, 3D bounding boxes, and optionally camera frustrums. Parameters ———- lidar_datums: List[OrderedDict]

List of lidar datums as a dictionary.

class_colormap: Dict

Mapping from class IDs to RGB colors.

show_instance_id_on_bev: Bool, optional

If True, then show instance_id on a corner of 3D bounding boxes in BEV view. If False, then show class_name instead. Default: False.

id_to_name: OrderedDict, optional

Mapping from class IDs to class names. Default: None.

camera_datums: List[OrderedDict], optional

List of camera datums as a dictionary. Default: None.

camera_colors: List[Tuple[int]], optional

List of RGB colors associated with each camera. The colors are used to draw frustrum. Default: None.

bev_metric_width: int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 100.

bev_metric_height: int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 100.

bev_pixels_per_meter: int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 10.

bev_polar_step_size_meters: int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 10.

bev_forward: tuple of int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: (1, 0, 0)

bev_left: tuple of int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: (0, 1, 0)

bev_background_clr: tuple of int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: (0, 0, 0)

bev_line_thickness: int, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 4.

bev_font_scale: float, optional

See BEVImage for this keyword argument. Default: 0.5.

radar_datums: List[OrderedDict], optional

List of radar datums to visualize. Default: None.

instance_colormap: Dict, optional

Mapping from instance id to RGB colors. Default: None.

cuboid_caption_fn: Callable, optional

Function taking a BoundingBox3d object and returning a tuple with the caption string, and the rgb value for that caption. e.g., ( ‘car’, (255,0,0) ). Signature: f(BoundingBox3d) -> Tuple[String, Tuple[3]] Default: None.

marker_fn: Callable, optional

Function taking a BoundingBox3d object and returning a tuple with the caption a marker id, and the rgb value for that marker. e.g., ( cv2.MARKER_DIAMOND, (255,0,0) ). Marker should be one of cv2.MARKER_CROSS, cv2.MARKER_DIAMOND, cv2.MARKER_SQUARE, cv2.MARKER_STAR, cv2.MARKER_TILTED_CROSS, cv2.MARKER_TRIANGLE_DOWN, cv2.MARKER_TRIANGLE_UP, or None. Signature: f(BoundingBox3d) -> Tuple[int,Tuple[3]] Default: None.

marker_scale: float, optional

Default: 0.5.

show_paths_on_bev: bool, optional

If true draw a path for each cuboid. Paths are stored in cuboid attributes under the ‘path’ key, i.e., path = cuboid.attributes[‘path’], paths are themselves a list of pose objects transformed to the correct frame. This method does not handle creating or transforming the paths. Default: False.

bev_center_offset_w: int, optional

Offset in pixels to move ego center in BEV. Default: 0.

bev_center_offset_h: int, optional

Offset in pixels to move ego center in BEV. Default: 0.


BEV visualization as an image.

dgp.utils.visualization_utils.visualize_bounding_box_2d(image, bounding_box_2d, ontology, debug=False)

DGP-friendly bounding_box_2d visualization util

image: np.ndarray

Image to visualize boxes on in BGR format. Data type is uint8. Shape is (H, W, 3).

bounding_box_2d: dgp.proto.annotations_pb2.BoundingBox2DAnnotations

Bounding box annotations.

ontology: dgp.proto.ontology_pb2.Ontology

Ontology with which to visualize (for colors and class names).

debug: bool, optional

If True render image until key-press. Default: False.

viz: np.uint8 array

BGR visualization with bounding boxes shape: (H, W, 3)

dgp.utils.visualization_utils.visualize_cameras(camera_datums, id_to_name, lidar_datums=None, rgb_resize_factor=1.0, bbox3d_font_scale=1.0, bbox3d_line_thickness=4, pc_rgb_cmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, pc_rgb_norm_depth=10, pc_rgb_dilation=3, radar_datums=None)

Create camera visualization that shows 3D bounding boxes, and optionally projected pointcloud. Parameters ———- camera_datums: List[OrderedDict]

List of camera datums as a dictionary.

id_to_name: OrderedDict

Mapping from class IDs to class names.

lidar_datums: List[OrderedDict] or None, optional

List of lidar datums as a dictionary. If given, then draw pointcloud contained in all datums. Default: None.

rgb_resize_factor: float, optional

Resize images by this factor before tiling them into a single panel. Default: 1.0.

bbox3d_font_scale: float, optional

Font scale used for text labels. Default: 1.0.

bbox3d_line_thickness: int, optional

Thickness of lines used for drawing 3D bounding boxes. Default: 4.

pc_rgb_cmap: color_map

A matplotlib color map. Default: MPL_JET_CMAP.

pc_rgb_norm_depth: int, optional

Depth value to normalize (inverse) pointcloud depths in color mapping. Default: 10.

pc_rgb_dilation: int, optional

Dilation factor applied on each point in pointcloud. Default: 3.

radar_datums: List[OrderedDict], optional

List of radar datums to visualize. Default: None.

rgb_viz: List[np.ndarray]

List of camera visualization images, one for each camera.

dgp.utils.visualization_utils.visualize_semantic_segmentation_2d(semantic_segmentation_2d, ontology, void_class_id=255, image=None, alpha=0.3, debug=False)

Constructs a visualization of a semseg frame (either ground truth or predictions), provided an ontology

semantic_segmentation_2d: np.array

Per-pixel class ID’s for a single input image, with void_class_id being the IGNORE class shape: (H, W)

ontology: dgp.proto.ontology_pb2.Ontology

Ontology under which we want to visualize the semseg frame

void_class_id: int, optional

ID in semantic_segmentation_2d that denotes VOID or IGNORE. Default: 255.

image: np.ndarray, optional

If specified then will blend image into visualization with weight alpha. Element type is uint8. Default: None.

alpha: float, optional

If image is specified, then will visualize an image/semseg blend with alpha weight given to image. Default: 0.3.

debug: bool, optional

If True then visualize frame to display. Default: True.

colored_semseg: np.uint8

Visualization of semantic_segmentation_2d frame, in BGR shape: (H, W, 3)

Module contents

dgp.utils.tqdm(*args, **kwargs)